Cllr Barry Barnes is the focus for planning related matters on the Parish Council, but all decisions are taken by the complete Council. The Parish Council Chair collects and collates information on planning applications within the Parish and presents it to the Council, usually with a recommendation. It’s important that the Council bases its comments on “policy” which encompasses National, County, District and Parish matters.
The Parish Council has no executive powers related to planning and is a “statutory consultee” only – which means we have to be asked, but our opinion is one of many and may be over-ridden.
The Parish Council is consulted on:-
All Planning applications within the Parish Boundary
Significant or unusual applications in adjacent parishes
Significant planning related matters put out to consultation by North East Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council
Some national policy developments
If there’s a planning application that affects you or you wish to express your views to the Parish Council or want more details about a planning application then it’s important to do this early as the planning cycle is quite short (21 days) and we need to respond quickly to meet that timetable. Parishioners can send letters or e-mail to the Clerk, or request to speak under “Public Participation” (3 minutes to support or oppose an application) but if there’s is a group of you, please agree a spokesperson, otherwise its first-come, first-served. Please note that we don’t pass your specific comments on to The Planning Department of North East Derbyshire District Council, so you may wish to submit a separate comment or obtain further planning information via the link button below.
Occasionally, applications are taken to appeal by the applicants and the Parish Council may make additional submissions to the Planning Inspector. While a Parish Councillor may provide modest and informal guidance on applications, this is without prejudice to the eventual consideration of detailed plans by the Parish Council. However, Parish Council members are NOT experts on planning policy or law and will generally refer enquiries to North East Derbyshire District Council Planning Department. Similarly, the Parish Council is not an “enforcement” authority and will only make minor local investigations prior to referring enforcement matters to North East Derbyshire District Council